Snow Removal
We are your reliable snow removal professionals that you can count on in winter for any commercial snow removals in Regina and surrounding areas. Our snow removal customers always receive 24-hour service with the highest level of customer satisfaction to keep properties up to safety standards. Our dedication to each of our customers is the same for all snow removal projects no matter the size or the frequency of the visits. We’ll also monitor the weather forecasts for you to give you peace of mind.
Don’t get left out in the cold, Regina winter is harsh. Don’t take a gamble with your property, we are the snow pros that ensure your walkways, driveways, and storefronts are clear and free of snow. Our experienced team is available around the clock to assist you with all your winter service needs.

Snow Plowing & Hauling
We use the proper equipment to effectively and efficiently remove snow. The clearing of snow is typically performed by a combination of equipment, from large loaders with pusher boxes to pickup trucks with smaller snow plows. Our seasoned operators and drivers are careful to place snow where it belongs. Coverage can be arranged to fit your needs. We offer monthly and seasonal contracts or by the push.
Please contact us today for a free quote.

Walkways & Sidewalks
We offer reliable 24-hour service and are available to push, pile, and remove snow. We have affordable hourly rates and one-time clearings as well as monthly and seasonal contracts. Tilly’s Tree Service is equipped with Snowblowers, Skid Steer, and dump truck services. Anything that can’t be done by machine we will do by hand.
Please contact us today for a free quote.

Sanding (De-Icing)
Tilly’s Tree service offers sanding / de-icing to keep your commercial property safe in the winter. We can apply anti-icing treatments with ice-melting chemicals or sand before or during the onset of a storm in order to prevent or delay the formation and adhesion of ice and snow to the surface.
Contact us today for a free quote.

Foundations & Rooftops
We offer rooftop snow removal for commercial properties. Rooftop snow removal is important to remove the bulk of the snow. This ensures that all of the roof’s ventilation systems are free and clear, maintaining proper functioning.
We also offer foundation snow clearing. This service removes snow resting against the foundation to prevent flooding during the spring melt.
Contact us today for a free quote.
Ice Dam Removal
An ice dam is a ridge of ice that typically forms along the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow from draining off of the roof. Ice dams can also form around skylights, vents, and anywhere two inclined sides of the roof meet (i.e., valleys). The water from melted snow flows down and gets backed up because it has nowhere to go. Not only does this pool of water eventually refreeze into more ice (and continue to grow in size), but in the meantime, the water can work its way under the shingles (or other roofing material).
At this point, the water can leak into the home or building, and quickly cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation, and other internal parts of the structure. We offer Ice Dam Removal for both commercial and residential properties. We chip and channel ice dams to ensure future water flow is allowed. When finished we clear the sidewalks, steps, and driveway of all fallen ice from the removal.
Contact us today for a free quote!